ANZSDA Briefing Note

Australian Scientific Diving Standards to be Updated in 2024
The current operational standard for scientific diving AS/NZS 2299.2 was last updated in the late 1990s and published in 2002.
There was an unsuccessful attempt to update these standards by the SF-17 Committee in 2021. This was despite overwhelming support from the scientific diving community. It failed, in part, due to a requirement for unanimous support, and the formation of the SF-17 committee which consists of mainly members working outside of the scientific diving sector.
In a positive development, a new Standards committee SF-20 has been established in 2023, dedicated to scientific diving. SF-20 has much greater representation from science divers and includes members from ANZSDA, AIMA, AMSA, SPUMS as well as training agencies and regulators. Voting is now based on a majority consensus.
The scientific diving standards AS 2299.2 (Diving Operations) and AS 2815.6 (Training & Certification) are set to be updated in 2024.
Standards are critical to scientific diving in Australia because:
A dedicated standard is needed to ensure scientific diving is distinct from other occupational (i.e. commercial) and recreational diving sectors;
Throughout Australia, there are legal requirements (State Acts and Regulations) which refer to occupational diving; scientific diving is occupational diving;
2815-series is called into law in many of the Australian states as the only standard approved for occupational divers (all sectors); it is essential that 2815.6 is meant for science, with input from scientists and not only other sectors;
Many scientific workplaces are confused by the risk management around diving; a standard that is written with input from mainly scientific divers gives non-diving risk managers and institutions the necessary common ground to help manage risk;
If a serious incident occurs in scientific diving, the most appropriate standards will be referenced during the investigation; institutions can protect themselves by following a national, recognised standard.
ANZSDA is committed to providing a voice for safe and inclusive Scientific Diving to best reflect the needs and views of the Scientific Diving community. ANZSDA Members are encouraged to share their views through the link below or contact the ANZSDA Secretary by email: info@anzsda.org.au.